Best Natural Ways to Enhance Iron Intake to Improve Digestion

Iron is an integral ingredient for our body. It helps the body prepare haemoglobin which, in turn, helps the red blood cells carry oxygen to all the parts of the body. Hence, it is crucial for the body to absorb iron in a proper way. In this article, we shall understand the best natural ways to enhance iron intake.

Iron is available in 2 forms:

• Hemeiron which is present in animal foods such as:

o Beef,

o Chicken,

o Veel,

o Pork,

o Fish such as salmon, tuna, perch, haddock and halibut

o Shellfish such as mussels, oysters and clams

Heme iron is the best source of iron since it is readily absorbed by the body.

• Non-Heme iron which comes from plants. Good sources are:

o Dark green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach

o Raisins, apricots and other dried fruits

o Beans like lentils and soya beans

o Fortified cereals, oats, wheat and rice

Enhance Iron Intake

This form of iron's absorption is less than heme-iron. Hence, to optimize it’s intake, natural supplements to improve digestion need to be added to the diet. Here’s how to improve digestion of iron in the body:

• Vitamin C rich foods improve absorption of iron. They help lock the non-heme iron and store it in such a way that it can be absorbed more easily.

• Vitamin A and Beta-carotine rich foodsinclude carrots, kale, squash, red peppers, oranges, peaches, apricots, sweet potatoes, spinach and cantaloupe. Vitamin A helps maintain healthy eyesight, strong immunity and bone growth. Beta-carotine is a red-orange pigment in plants which gets converted to Vitamin A in the body.

• Meat, fish and poultry are good sources of heme-iron and also help in the absorption of non-heme iron and cure iron deficiency anemia and fatigue.

Avoid foods that can hamper iron absorption in the body, such as:

• Foods with phytate

• Calcium-rich foods

• Foods with polyphenols

To enhance iron intake from food and to optimize its absorption, the digestive system needs to be healthy. Following are ways to improve digestion:

• Take probiotics

• Chew your food thoroughly

• Concentrate on your food. Avoid watching TV or using gadgets while eating

• Drink plenty of water

• Avoid foods that irritate the stomach and cause inflammation in the gut. Avoid gluten, sugar and processed foods

• Boost the hydrochloric acid in the stomach by chewing the food well

Feroplex capsule is a one of the best herbal remedies to enhance iron. It is amongst the many best natural ways to enhance iron intake. It contains herbs like lauh bhasma and mandur bhasma which have been used to treat anaemia.

It helps in the production of healthy red blood cells which carry oxygen all parts of the body. It is totally safe and can be consumed by men, women and children. It eliminates all symptoms of iron deficiency such as frizzy hair, dark circles, fatigue and lethargy, brittle nails and shortness of breath.


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